Dan Fahey is a Navy veteran who has researched the use and effects of depleted uranium munitions since 1993 and has worked to promote testing and monitoring of veterans exposed to DU. He has been invited to make presentations about DU to groups including the US Institute of Medicine and two Presidential committees. He is author of three book chapters and numerous reports and articles on the use and effects of depleted uranium. He also has appeared on BBC radio, CNN, NPR, and the Voice of America, and in publications ranging from the Financial Times to Rolling Stone.
Gretel Munroe is a graduate of Smith College, the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Massachusetts/Amherst where she received a Master's Degree in Human Nutrition. She has been involved in the DU issue since 1998 with Grassroots Actions for Peace in Concord, Massachusetts where Starmet/Nuclear Metals produced DU anti-tank shells for many years. Grassroots is a member of the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons (ICBUW). Gretel is the author of Health Effects of Depleted Uranium, 2nd Edition, 2004, and is a member of ICBUW's Science Team. She is also a member of the ICBUW Steering Committee.